Tuesday 1 March 2011

The all seeing eye of the B.s.e

The B.s.e has a code of conduct we live by, Always break the rules.
Rules are made to be broken if you live your life the way other people want you to who’s life are you really living, The B.s.e it group of friends that grow young minds and have fun with our life’s and enjoy each others company, The religion of the B.s.e in not to live your life in fear but to live it with experience, fun, sport, everything you enjoy as a person as yourself…
The B.s.e is inspiring young minds to think free and not to hold back but explore and do what your heart sole and mind wants you to do, with mind power and dedication; the secret of the B.s.e will come to you. Think positive and good thing will happen to you, my group of friend I cant see myself growing up without them and all the experiences I’ve had with them good and bad but must of all not knowing that my friends have my back its knowing Iv got my friends backs… to the end I stand for what I talk about, The B.s.e  

Growing young minds B.s.e…


talk your mind live your life.....BSE

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